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Town of Newtown, CT                             
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470

Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – July 26, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Gaudet Wilson, Henderson, Kershaw, Kaley, Cramer and Germaine
Staff:  Margaret Wilkin, Clerk

PUBLIC PARTICPATION:  No-one was present.

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm

CORRESPONDENCE:  There was none.  

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  This was tabled.


Project Management/Task List) – An updated list was distributed to the Commission  


Work Orders – The Commission will consider hiring students for next year.  Commissioner Cramer suggested separate lists for Conservation Commission and Parks & Rec.  It was also suggested that funds be taken out of the Conservation Commission budget and have Parks & Rec supervise.  She added that the Commission would still need to oversee the work.  Commissioner Kiley said this should be kept on the long-range task list.

Fairfield Hills Open Space Update – Commissioner Cramer introduced John Reed to the meeting for an overview of the current situation.  He does not see a lot happening short term.  The buildings are deteriorating and becoming dangerous.  With the current economy developers would prefer to build elsewhere rather than go through the expense of demolishing and rebuilding.  There are plans to expand walking trails around the campus, and a band shell proposed for the west meadow.  He suggested land banking for future academic needs.  Ms. Cramer supported the possibility of age-restricted homes, which would mean that aging residents can remain in Newtown with no stress on the schools.  The Commission thanked Mr. Reed for his time and information.

Horse Guard – Commissioner Wilson distributed her report.  She attended the rally to support 2nd Governor
Horse Guard on June 16.  At this point the plans are to move the Horse Guard to Avon with only ten horses to remain.  There is no clear plan as to the fate of the land and who owns it.  If $60,000 could be raised the Horse Guard could be self-sustaining.

Open Space 37-3-14 – No update.

32 Cedar Hill Road sub-division – No update

Laurel Trail evaluation -  No update

Forest Evaluation -  Commissioners Kaley, Cramer and Wilson walked the Reynolds property to determine feasibility of having a forestry study done.  They talked with several neighbors who frequently use the road, which is technically not open space, to go out to a NFA parcel.  They found a small amount of Mile-A-Minute, which was pulled and taken to Land Use.  Also a not of barberry was removed.  This is to be added to the task list.

Conservation Sub-divisions – Reference was made to an article that appeared in The Bee.  Planning & Zoning met with developers/engineers and local real estate people.  They will be discussing their findings at an upcoming meeting.

Victory Garden – Commissioner Kaley updated the Commission.  It was suggested that a chat room be set up for area gardeners to discuss various issues.


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress –  Commissioner Henderson advised that Mr. Sibley wants a survey done before sending out the letter.  Commissioner Hovious is working on the letter.

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – No update

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – No update

Conservation Easement on WWTP – No update

Status of Halfway River fishing access – No update

Status of sign for Taunton Lake – No update

Iroquois invasive documentation – No update

Education Committee – No update

Invasives Sub-committee –  Commissioner Kaley made a motion that the Conservation Commission submit a Work Order to Parks & Rec. to improve the road access from Poll Bridge Road to the kiosk on the Poll Bridge Reserve.  Seconded by Commissioner Germaine.  Commissioner Kaley made a further motion that the Conservation Commission Work Order to clear vegetation includes improvement to the parking access.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The vote was unanimously approved.

Al’s Trail – Commissioner Henderson forwarded Mr. Sibley’s Report to the First Selectman.  She has not heard back yet.

Strategic Planning – No updates

TBDAC – Commissioner Germaine advised that the final report is almost complete.  They are going to make a verbal presentation at the Selectmen Committee on September 19, 2011.  She considered it a well-done report.


There are no open space signs or boundary markers on Great Ring Road open space .  There is a need to improve the access, which should be on the Parks & Rec’s priority list.

The Commission will look at all of the places on Mr. Sibley’s list after walking Stone Bridge.

Commissioner Cramer made a motion to adjourn.  Seconded by Commissioner Henderson.  The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.